Pemanfaatan Media Komunikasi Visual Sebagai Sarana Promosi Pada PT. Jiwasindo Semarang
Advertising technology which is developing rapidly today really provides support for the survival of a company, especially with the use of computer-based advertising technology. Because by using computer technology in an advertising system, you will be able to easily design advertisements in both print and electronic media.
This thesis proposal report with the title "Designing Visual Communication Media as a Promotional Means at PT. Jiwasindo.” The aim of the author in preparing this final assignment is how to attract as many customers as possible with efficient promotional costs and through this promotion customers can find out what products are available in the PT Insurance company. Jiwasindo.
Through a promotion system like this, Insurance Companies can better introduce the Insurance services offered to the public, so that the advantages of this Insurance Company will be clearly visible to the public.
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