Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Operasi Bilangan Pecahan Melalui Metode Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Artikulasi Pada Kelas V SDSN Pondok Kelapa 10 Pagi
Learning, Mathematics, MethodsAbstract
This research aims to improve understanding of fractional number operations in fifth grade students at SDSN Pondok Kelapa 10 am using an articulation learning model. Researchers suspect that the articulation learning model can increase students' concentration when studying and make students work together so that their understanding of fractions can increase. The syntax of the articulation learning model is the delivery of competence, presentation of material, group form, pairs sitting on a bench, one student conveys the material they have just received to their partner then takes turns, presenting in front of the results of the discussion, the teacher guides the students to conclude. In this study, the research subjects were class V students at SDSN Pondok Kelapa 10 am consisting of 46 students with a composition of 19 male students and 27 female students. In this classroom action research, the researcher carried out an articulation learning model. Researchers conducted research through 3 cycles. The results of observations of students from cycle I to cycle III experienced an increase, apart from that the results of tests carried out by researchers in the three cycles also showed an increase where the percentage of scores above the KKM increased from 32.61% in cycle I, 56.52% in cycle II , to 82.6% in cycle III and the average value increased from 66.19 in cycle I, then 70.65 in cycle II, to 81.19 in cycle III. Based on these results, researchers suspect that the articulation learning model can be well accepted by students.
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